Monday, April 5, 2010

FFF... what more can you ask for?

I think the tradition is to have boiled eggs on Easter Sunday but my Mum's family tradition is to have them on Good Friday. So that it exactly what we did. I did over cook them though... a little disappointing as my soldiers didn't work as well as i wanted but the 2nd batch we cooked worked perfectly. This was because the King of Eggs did come to the rescue :)

Recipe #39. Boiled eggs.

I do have to admit though I didn't go exactly by Jamie's recipe with the first batch but did with the 2nd and they worked perfectly as I mentioned above.

Jamie's tip with boiling eggs is to get the water to boiling temp and then dip each egg in and out. This helps prevent the shock of the change in temperature if your eggs are coming straight from the fridge and avoids them cracking. 

Nigella puts a match in the water when she cooks hers... haven't done her trick but Jamie's is useful.

Boiled eggs... Mmmm yum!

I have eaten so many eggs over this weekend... Its been a fabulous weekend full of food, family and friends. 

P.S. I am reading this FABULOUS book at the moment and I recommend it to any foodie out there. It's called 'Lunch in Paris' by Elizabeth Bard. After every chapter there are recipes. It leaves warm fuzzy feelings and the urge to cook delicious french stews and of course all the food sounds sexy because it is french. Daube de Boeuf or Crumble Fraises Rhubarbe anyone??

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