Thursday, December 30, 2010

My blog. My mission. My rules.

Thats right faithful readers. Since this is my blog I will be re-writing my rules of my 'book of the year'. I am cutting, dismissing, skipping, even tearing out the page on porridge. I'm not Julie... I'm Danielle and I am not interested in cooking four types of porridge. This is my version of aspic & I'm manning up and putting my foot down. I HATE porridge.

I also don't like baked apples or sultanas but alas I am not completely destroying my cook book. I will make the baked apples with sultanas. I feel one for one is a good motto!

And one more thing... 10 min until the last day of 2010 and I still have over 50 recipes to cook! So here is the deal... I can take as long as I like :) plus i'm holiday-ing soon and will be eating my way through New York, Whistler and Vancouver!

Even after my Christmas belly I can still think of food. And they say it is the way to a man's stomach... What's my excuse?

I will try and post pics of lovely and probably some hideous foods on here but need to also find a local maccas while I'm away to use free wifi.

A belated Merry Christmas to my readers where ever you are out there, I hope Santa was kind and you all ate your selves silly during the silly season!

Happy New year everyone!

Lots of love x

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